Leute! Unser TEDx Talk ist online, Thema:
“Why to think like an Adventurer”
Lasst uns wissen, was ihr denkt und: teilt es, wenn euch gefällt, was ihr seht
#TED #Kufstein #WhyAdventure #2imEis #UrmelZurückInsEis #KeinWegIstDasZiel #AbenteuerHoepner #TravelTwins #AdventureTwins #ZweiNachShanghai #ZweiUmDieWelt #ZweiLive #HoepnerHoepner
1 comment
Viktoria Sudmeyer - 17. September 2019
I really like your talk and am impressed by it! It is deeply inspiring and to me very much needed in today’s society. You tell us all to be bold, move outside of our comfort zone, not being afraid to stumble and fall, to doubt one’s self, but to risk and profit from every rich experience. I myself will take it as a reminder to go out of my usual way again, to just go for it and try a new, dangerously different path again. Thank you for this and please, keep on doing what you’re doing, I hope you’ll never get tired of inventing new, incredible things, never stop to push yourself to some limits! Best from good old Trier – Viktoria